
Study name: Dedication-1 – NVALT 30

Histology NSCLC
Tumor stage Stage IV
Host / recruiting sites Radboud UMC, MUMC+, Erasmus MC, UMC Groningen
Enrollment Recruiting
Therapy line First line (1L) ,  Later line (≥2L)

An open label non-inferiority trial of reduced dose pembrolizumab versus standard of care dose pembrolizumab NSCLC patients who are eligible for treatment with a pembrolizumab-based regimen.


Standard of care versus reduced dose pembrolizumab.

Key inclusion criteria
  • Cytologically or histologically confirmed advanced stage or recurrent NSCLC.
  • Known PD-L1 status
Key exclusion criteria
  • Symptomatic untreated CNS metastases.
  • Systemic treatment with corticosteroids.
  • Known CD4+ cell count of less than 100 cells/µL
  • Prior treatment with aPD-1/L1/L2 or aCTLA-4 antibody or any antibody targeting t-cell co-stimulation or checkpoint pathways.
  • (neo)adjuvante chemotherapy 3 months prio
  • Non-palliative treatment with chemoradiation for locally advanced disease 3 months prior
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