
Study name: DuTOC: Prospective data collection initiative on Thoracic Malignancies
- a prospective observational cohort study -

Histology Mesothelioma, NSCLC, SCLC, Other
Tumor stage Stage I - III, Stage IV
Host / recruiting sites UMC Utrecht
Enrollment Planned

A prospective observational cohort study. Patients diagnosed with thoracic malignancies will be asked to participate in this cohort. Prospectively, a limited number of variables (e.g. gender, age, histology, TNM) will in the majority of cases preferably be registered within 1-3 weeks following diagnosis. Further enrichment of the data will be done by linking this cohort to the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) database (in the Netherlands clinical variables, treatment variables of all malignancies are routinely collected (Appendix I)) on a 6 monthly basis.



Key outcome parameters
  1. Clinical parameters as comprehensive as possible: medical history, co-morbidities, medication use, basic physical examination, laboratory results, imaging results, pathology results, tumor characteristics, treatment, treatment outcomes, hospital stays, interventions, pharmaco-economic data and adverse events.
  2. Clinical endpoints: overall survival and if available treatment response, disease-free survival, progression-free survival, overall survival and grade 3/4 (serious) adverse events.
  3. Follow up treatments in case of progressive or recurrent disease.
  4. Patient reported outcomes: health related quality of life, work participation and work ability.
Key inclusion criteria
  • Age ≥ 18 years;
  • Histo/cytopathological proof of a thoracic malignancy, or a strong suspicion (after imaging and multidisciplinary board);
  • Informed consent for longitudinal observational data collection;
Key exclusion criteria
  • Mentally challenged patients that are unable to provide conscientious informed consent as determined by the investigator.
  • Inability to provide a written or electronic informed consent.
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