Study name: ELVN-002-003 – A phase 1a/1b study of ELVN-002 combined with trastuzumab in advanced stage HER2+ solid tumors
Tumor stage
Stage IV
Host / recruiting sites
Radboud UMC
Therapy line
Later line (≥2L)
ELVN-002-003 is an open-label, multicenter, multi-part, phase 1a/1b study of ELVN-002 with trastuzumab designed to evaluate its preliminary safety, tolerability, PK and preliminary efficacy in participants with advanced stage HER2 positive solid tumors.
ELVN-002 – oral HER2 TKI Trastuzumab – IV HER2 immunotherapie
Key inclusion criteria
Pathologically or histologically documented solid tumor
Locally advanced or relapsed/refractory disease or unresectable metastatic disease
HER2 positive
ECOG 0-1
No limitations on prior therapy
LVEF > 50% by ECHO within 28 days of first dose
Adequate bone marrow function.
Adequate hepatic function
Key exclusion criteria
Severe cardiac arrhythmias requiring treatment, symptomatic congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction within 28 days of first dose.
History of another active malignancy within 2 years prior to the first dose.
Serious medical or psychiatric illness
Major surgery within 3 weeks of the first dose
Active chronic liver disease
Active infection requiring systemic therapy within 14 days of the first dose
History of interstitial lung disease or pulmonary fibrosis.
Treatment with anticancer therapy within a specific time window.
Brain lesions requiring immediate local therapy
Ongoing use of corticosteroids for CNS symptoms > 2 mg daily of dexamethasone or equivalent
Leptomeningeal disease
Uncontrolled seizures
Ongoing adverse effects from prior treatment
Corrected Qt interval of > 470 ms (females) or > 450 ms (males)
Known hypersensitivity to a component of ELVN-002 or trastuzumab
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