
Study name: TBPETCT001

Histology NSCLC, SCLC
Tumor stage Stage I - III, Stage IV
Host / recruiting sites Amsterdam UMC
Enrollment Recruiting

A mono-center exploratory study to explore new imaging procedures with an ultra-high sensitivity total body PET-CT system


No interventions / treatments other than for routine patient care will be performed as part of this protocol

Key outcome parameters

Determination of imaging procedures that are optimized in relation to the high sensitivity and the large anatomical coverage of a total body PET-CT systems and with similar or better lesion detectability as compared to standard procedures.

Key inclusion criteria

Adults (18-64 years)

Able to give consent

Signed informed consent

Patients who have an indication for a standard FDG PET-CT scan

For sub-study 2 (breath hold PET), patients with NSCLC, stage 2 or higher : sub-study is closed

Key exclusion criteria

Claustrophobic patients

Pregnant or breastfeeding woman

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

Any medical condition potentially hampering conduction of the study

Any other contraindication to undergo an FDG PET-CT examination

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