
Study name: TIL in NSCLC

Histology NSCLC
Tumor stage Stage IV
Host / recruiting sites LUMC
Enrollment Recruiting
Therapy line Later line (≥2L)

Fase 1 monocenter single-arm interventie studie


TIL therapie icm carboplatin-paclitaxel (cohort B ook pembrolizumab)

Key outcome parameters

Safety en tolerability

Key inclusion criteria

Stadium IV NSCLC met progressie na PD-L1 inhibitor of chemo-immunotherapie (of stabiele ziekte na 2 kuren PD-L1 inhibitor)

Resectabele laesie voor TIL product

Key exclusion criteria

Symptomatische CNS metastase of van >1cm

Steroiden (equivalent >10mg prednison)

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